We are a tightknit team, a small band of folks who are passionate about great craft beer and making people happy. None more so than our Sales and Account Managers Harry and Seb.


These guys know how to keep our trade customers well looked after, with a real focus on helping them to solve problems and keeping them topped up with our Cornish beer.

We grab a minute or two with them whilst they were in the brewery to ask them a few questions.....a bit of a way to 'meet the tea' and get a feel for what makes them tick.

Over to you gents, first up is Harry.

You're heading for a drink in the Taproom with anyone dead or living - who is it and why?
Ricky Gervais - creator of my favourite TV series The Office USA, I would have so many questions to ask him, and I think he is genuinely the funniest man alive.

Which beer are you recommending for them?
I'm recommending Slipway or Zennor but I'm drinking Helles Mouth so I can session with him for longer!

What's the best thing about St Ives Brewery?
The best thing is getting to visit all these amazing pubs and restaurants in stunning locations and getting paid to explore Cornwall.

Where would we find you on a weekend and what would you most likely be doing?
My weekends are all about spending time with my family, our little boy and going on adventures. Sundays in the winter are best for a walk, Sunday lunch and footy on the TV when we get home. The perfect Sunday for me.

And now over to you Seb.

You're heading for a drink in the Taproom with anyone dead or living - who is it and why?
I think if it was a dinner or a different type of meeting I would have to pick someone with a large impact on History such as Nelson Mandela or Albert Einstein, it would also be really cool to be able sit and chat with Anthony Bourdain just in terms of Hospitality and his experiences. But I think I would pick Russ Cook as he seemingly loves a beer and I can imagine has some amazing stories about Running the Length of Africa and would be a great person to have a few pints of St Ives Brewery Beer with.

Which beer are you recommending for them?
You can't come to the Taproom and not have a pint of Slipway but I would be recommending a few nice cold pint of Summer Hazy Pale to start off the evening and then we can go onto a Porth Pilsner to continue into the evening.

What's the best thing about St Ives Brewery?
Apart from the great family feeling at the Brewery and the quality of the beer I get to go out and tell people about, I would to say the best thing is how we keep getting to find hidden gems across Cornwall that you would never know were there and work with them to create the perfect line up of products in their venue.

Where would we find you on a weekend and what would you most likely be doing?
My weekends are pretty full on most of the time with sport, through the winter on Saturdays you will find me on a rugby pitch (with the odd holiday aboard to get away from the English weather) and then in the Summer it will be down at the cricket club trying my hardest to score some runs. Sundays normally you will find me in a pub or restaurant trying out places we haven't eaten at before across Cornwall.

June 17, 2024