Ross Poldark, the dashing hero of Cornwall, is known for his rugged good looks and his undying love for Demelza. But what many don't know is that the man also has a soft spot for St Ives Brewery beer. Here are 10 reasons why Ross Poldark enjoys sipping on a cold one from St Ives Brewery. It’s no real surprise though, it’s top notch Cornish beer.

1. Because He Needs a Break from Mining

When you spend your days digging up tin, you deserve a little refreshment. St Ives Brewery's beer offers the perfect escape from the dusty mines and never-ending drama of 18th-century Cornwall. A craft beer from Cornwall is the perfect medicinal solution to the sore back and hands that some with tin mining, we'd recommend a Slipway IPA as the perfect post mining refreshment. She a bold anf fruity Cornish IPA.

2. Cornish Pride

Poldark is all about defending his beloved Cornwall, and what better way to show your love for your homeland than by sipping on a locally brewed St Ives Brewery beer? He’s a loyal supporter of beer from Cornwall, and we should all take a leaf out of his book shouldn’t we? Our beers take the names of local places and legends, Cornish craft beer like Meor IPA or Zennor Oatmeal stout.

3. It Makes His Poldark Scowl Look Cool

We all know Ross Poldark has perfected the art of the brooding scowl. With a pint of St Ives Brewery beer in hand, that scowl just seems a tad more charming. A blue steel avec a Cornish IPA just has a certain je ne sais quoi.

4. A Solution to the Drama with Elizabeth and Demelza

Whether it's the love triangle with Demelza and Elizabeth or the endless battles with George Warleggan, a Cornish craft beer helps Ross mellow out and temporarily forget his troubles. Our recommendation is a well balanced Cornish craft beer like Hella Pale Ale.

5. To Celebrate the Absence of Tricorn Hats

Every time Ross takes off that tricorn hat, it's a celebration. It’s heavy and cumbersome so it’s removal is worth celebrating with a proper beer from Cornwall. It’s a bit like taking off your work boots at the end of a long day on site, and accompanied with a sip of cold Cornish beer you can quickly let the days hard labour slip away.

6. A Taste of the Sea (Minus the Salt)

St Ives Brewery beer captures the essence of Cornwall's rugged coastline without all the salty seawater. Ross can practically taste the salty sea breeze as he sips away. Those views from Botallack mine in West Cornwall are well worth savouring, and any Cousin Jack or Cousin Jane knows that a Cornish craft beer from St Ives Brewery is the epitome of that view.

7. To Prove He's Not Just a Hunk in a Tunic

Ross Poldark wants you to know he's more than just a hunky man in a tunic. He's also a guy who knows his beer, and St Ives Brewery satisfies his sophisticated palate and surely nails him down as an expert in Cornish ale. There’s plenty of Cornish breweries to choose from, but Ross simply cannot be without St Ives Brewery.

8. Because Smuggling Poldark is Too Risky

While we all love a good Poldark smuggling adventure, sometimes it's just safer to sip on some legal, locally brewed beer from a Cornish craft beer brewery. Smuggling is dangerous and can land you in hot water. Stave off trouble with our beer, perhaps a coastal inspired Cornish Pilsner like Porth.

9. It Helps Him Forget About His Hair

Ross Poldark's hair may be legendary, but it's not always cooperative. A Cornish craft beer lets him forget about his need for perfectly primed hair, he can just exist and be himself, at one with a Cornish lager.

10. It's What Demelza Wants

And, most importantly, Ross knows that what Demelza wants, Demelza gets. If Demelza says it's St Ives Brewery beer time, then it's St Ives Brewery beer time. Demelza, as we all know, is one of the biggest fans of Cornish beer you are ever likely to find.

In the world of Ross Poldark, every sip of St Ives Brewery beer is a sip of history, rebellion, and a brief respite from the trials and tribulations of 18th-century Cornwall. So, raise a glass to Ross Poldark and his love for St Ives Brewery beer – because even a brooding hero needs a little liquid sunshine.
October 03, 2023